
I am a yoga teacher trained in Hatha, Embodied Yin, Embodied Yoga Nidra and Playfight. My work is inspired by my own practice which curiously engages with the sensory experience of being alive. My practice teaches me the pleasure, the capacity for release, and the capacity for grounding that can be experienced through the body. Drawing on my work as a psychotherapist and my tantric Buddhist practice, I support you to get to know your bodies, to nourish them, and to experience how they nourish you. The practices I share help you come into relationship with yourself, each other, and the world around you with deep curiosity.

Being Sessions

Being sessions offer a supportive space for you to tune in, to rest deeply, and to move through what needs release. These transformative sessions are therapeutic, but they are not therapy. Arrive exactly as you are and allow yourself to listen deeply to what you need in this moment. One session might offer deep, nourishing rest, and another, emotional release. That is the beauty of being. 

Being sessions are for you if you spend more time doing than being; if you’re in need of nourishment; and if you want to deepen your practice of connecting to the absolute miracle that is your body. 

Our one-to-one practice will draw on different somatic approaches, intuitive movement, classical non-dual Tantra, Chinese medicine, Yin yoga and yoga Nidra, to open your capacity to be with what is.

Sessions are 90 minutes long and take place in Bannau Brycheiniog.


Playfight combines primal fighting, play and mindfulness. Conscious fighting awakens the body's intelligence by using strength in a safe and respectful way. Play helps us let go of seriousness and be more playful and joyful in our daily lives. Mindfulness allows us to observe what happens in ourselves as we connect with others. This allows deep human connection in Playfight circles and off the mat. 

Come and experience Playfight in Bristol on the first Thursday of each month. Book here.

Playfight can also come to you! For bespoke circles and team away days in the UK and Internationally, get in touch.

Check out to find out more about this beautiful practice developed by Matteo Tangi.

If these offerings speak to you, get in touch to find out more.